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Department of Computer Science and Automation

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Pallavi Maiya

PhD Student guided by Dr. Aditya Kanade

Software Engineering and Analysis Lab

View detailed CV


My interests lie broadly in the areas of Automated Testing and Verification. Currently, I'm into Partial Order Reduction based concurrency verification of multithreaded and event-driven systems like Android. My research is supported by a Google India PhD Fellowship in Programming Languages and Compilers.

My previous project involved rigorous study of Android framework and its Dalvik interpreter to develop a dynamic data race detection tool called DroidRacer. DroidRacer runs on the Android emulator and has been implemented by instrumenting Android libraries and Dalvik VM. In this project we generalized the so far independently studied happens-before rules for multithreaded programs and single-threaded event-driven programs.


Race Detection for Android Applications. PDF PPT
Pallavi Maiya, Aditya Kanade, Rupak Majumdar. PLDI 2014

Partial Order Reduction for Event-driven Multi-threaded Programs. PDF PPT
Pallavi Maiya, Rahul Gupta, Aditya Kanade, Rupak Majumdar. TACAS 2016

Software Tools

DroidRacer: A dynamic data race detection tool for Android applications. Apart from a race detection engine DroidRacer contains an automated Android app UI exploration engine which can generate UI event sequences as testcases to drive an app under test.
Go to tool page

Teaching Assistance

E0239: Software Reliability Techniques. Jan-Apr 2015 (@CSA)

E0223: Automated Verification. Jan-Apr 2013, 2014 (@CSA)

E0227: Program Analysis and Verification. Aug-Dec 2013 (@CSA)

Professional Activities

Artifact Evaluation Committee OOPSLA 2015

Awards and Achievements

Awarded Google India PhD Fellowship in Programming Languages and Compilers, 2014.


B.Tech(I.T) from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal (2011)


CSA #224


